Don’t Worry, Be Happy

hey guys! happy almost Friday! i hope you’ve had a wonderful week so far 🙂 anyways, today’s an extra happy day for me as a Catholic because Habemus Papam!. For those of you who don’t speak latin (I expect it to be most of you) this means we have a a new Pope! Argentinian native Pope Francisco I. As a Catholic this is super exciting news for me! And it actually came as a huge relief, because we’d all been stressing over what the outcome of this whole situation would be. So, i found the perfect song for today. it might not be as you expected, but it’s a song i felt suited the day just because I’m in such a happy mood… Ever heard of Bob Marley? Then I think you can guess the song of the day! Don’t Worry, Be Happy!. I realize yesterday I also gave a little a bit of a throwback, but to be honest no music today compares to good oldies. I’m a huge fan of every typeof music as I told you guys before, so you can definititely be expecting a new song along with every post. Back to the point. This song is dedicated to all you beautiful people who are having troubles today, this week, this month, etc. Remember, life goes on, and whatever troubles you today will most likely be gone within a week! Always remember, happiness is the key to a successful life, and nothing fits the regime more than living by the some of the greatest words ever uttered- “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!”